Sicherer Schutz vor dem Wolf: Tipps und Ratschläge für den Bau von Herdenschutzzäunen

Important considerations before construction

Before a protective fence is erected, the question of possible subsidies and their requirements should be clarified. The Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt has already obtained information on this from the Ministry of Agriculture (see issue 20). The amount of funding and specific requirements may vary from region to region. It is therefore advisable to obtain comprehensive information in advance.

Practical support for fence construction

On the initiative of the Triesdorf Centre for Energy and Agricultural Technology, a practical demonstration of fence construction was organized at a suckler cow farm. The Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt accompanied this event and benefited from the advice of experienced experts:

  • Günter HerkertTechnical manager of the company Patura and jury member at fence building championships.
  • Sven JakobProfessional fence builder, multiple German fence building champion and runner-up in the world championships.

The experts offered detailed advice and practical tips on how to build a wolf-repellent electric fence to transform the farm's existing pasture fence into an effective herd protection fence.

Materials and construction procedure

Choosing the right building materials is crucial to erecting a reliable fence. The height of the fence should be at least 120 cm to prevent jumping over. The distance between the posts, the tension of the wires and the earthing of the electric fence also play an important role.

The attached videos provide detailed instructions and practical steps to ensure that each step is implemented correctly. They provide a good complement to the written advice and make it easier to understand the procedure.

In conclusion, a solid livestock fence is an important measure to protect animals from wolves. A well-planned and professionally erected fence can be an effective barrier as long as no better alternatives are found.