Cattle brush

28 Products

    Improve the well-being of your cattle with our high-quality selection of cattle brushes. From swing brushes to scratching mats - the right solution for every requirement.

    28 Products

    Why cattle brushes are essential for the health and well-being of cattle

    Scratching mat with cow scratching itself

    Cattle brushes play a crucial role in modern cattle farming, not only by contributing to coat care, but also by significantly improving the well-being and health of the animals. A regularly brushed cow is a healthy and happy cow. Here are some key benefits that cattle brushes provide for cattle:

    1. Skin care and coat health: Regular brushing removes dirt, dust and loose hair from the cattle's coat. This not only promotes a clean and shiny appearance, but also prevents skin irritation and parasite infestation.

    2. Stimulation of blood circulation: The brushing process stimulates the skin and promotes blood circulation. Improved blood circulation has a positive effect on general health and can increase milk production in dairy cows.

    3. Reduction of stress and behavioral problems: Cattle brushes provide a form of occupation and have a calming effect on cattle. This can help to relieve stress and reduce behavioral problems such as aggression or restlessness.

    4. Strengthening the human-animal bond: The interaction during the brushing process strengthens the bond between humans and animals. This promotes trust and makes it easier to handle the animals.

    5. Long-term health benefits: Regular use of cattle brushes allows skin diseases and other health problems to be detected early. This enables prompt treatment and prevents more serious illnesses.

    Cattle brushes are therefore an indispensable tool in modern cattle care. They not only contribute to the external appearance of the animals, but are also an essential part of their physical and mental well-being.

    Discover our range of high-quality cattle brushes for cattle and invest in the health and happiness of your herd.

    The variety of cattle brushes: types and applications for optimum cattle care


    MAXI swing brush from Patura with cattle scratching themselves
    Choosing the right cattle brush is crucial for effective and species-appropriate care of your cattle. Each type of brush meets specific needs and contributes to the well-being of the animals. Here is an overview of the different types of cattle brushes and their applications:
    1. Swing brushes: These brushes are ideal for cattle as they adapt to the animals' movements. They are perfect for scrubbing and scratching, which not only promotes skin health but also provides a soothing massage. Swing brushes are available in different sizes, from mini to maxi, to suit any size of cattle.

    2. Scratch mats: Scratch mats provide an excellent way for cattle to groom themselves. They are particularly useful in areas where traditional brushes are difficult to install. The rough surface helps to relieve itching and remove loose hair.

    3. Pole brushes: Pole brushes are attached to poles or walls and allow animals to groom hard-to-reach areas. They are particularly robust and resistant to intensive use.

    4. Replacement brush rings: A cost-effective solution for replacing worn brushes without having to replace the entire unit. Replacement brush rings are easy to fit and increase the service life of your oscillating brushes.

    5. Flexible brush systems for customization: Some cattle brushes offer the option of configuring the brush elements as required. This enables individual adaptation to the needs of your herd.

    Each type of brush has its own advantages and possible uses. It is important that you select the livestock brushes that best suit the specific needs of your animals.

    Effective installation and maintenance of your cattle brushes


    Cattle brush with spring complete
    Proper installation and regular maintenance are critical to the optimal performance and longevity of your cattle brushes. Here are some basic tips and steps to help you get the most out of your cattle brushes:


    1. Correct positioning: Choose a suitable place to install your cattle brushes. They should be easily accessible to the cattle, but also positioned so that they do not interfere with normal movement in the barn. The height should be set so that it is easy for the cattle to reach.

    2. Secure mounting: Make sure that the cattle brushes are mounted firmly and securely. In the case of swing brushes, the brackets should be stable enough to withstand the movements of the cattle. Use suitable mounting material to ensure a durable and secure attachment.

    3. Regular cleaning: Keep the brushes clean to maintain their efficiency and hygiene. Regularly remove hair and dirt from the brush bristles and check that no foreign objects are caught in them.

    4. Checking for wear and tear: It is important to check the brushes regularly for wear and tear, especially if they are used intensively. Worn or damaged parts should be replaced in good time to maintain the effectiveness of the brushes.

    5. Maintenance of the mechanics: With oscillating brushes, you should also keep an eye on the mechanics and moving parts. Lubricate all moving joints and regularly check that all parts are working smoothly.

    6. Annual inspections: Schedule annual inspections to ensure your cattle brushes remain in optimal condition. This can help prevent major problems and costly repairs.

    By following these tips, you can extend the life of your cattle brushes and ensure that they continue to make a valuable contribution to the care and well-being of your cattle.

    Economic benefits of using cattle brushes in cattle farming


    Swing brush Midi with cattle
    Investing in cattle brushes not only brings benefits to farmers in terms of animal welfare, but also significant economic gains. Here are some of the key aspects that underline the economic benefits of cattle brushes for cattle:
    1. Increased milk production: Regular grooming by brushing cattle can lead to increased milk production. Brushing stimulates blood circulation and thus promotes relaxation, which has a positive effect on milk production.

    2. Reduction of health costs: The continuous use of livestock brushes helps to prevent skin diseases and parasite infestations. This can help to reduce the cost of veterinary treatment and medication.

    3. Improving animal health and quality of life: Healthier animals mean lower treatment costs and less downtime in the long term. Good herd health ensures the productivity and profitability of the farm.

    4. Longevity of investment: Cattle brushes are robust and durable, which means that they can be used over a long period of time without the need for regular replacement investments.

    5. Optimization of work processes: Automated cattle brushes reduce the workload and enable farmers to use their time and resources more efficiently.

    6. Increasing the attractiveness of the farm: A well-equipped farm with modern cattle brushes can increase the attractiveness for potential buyers or investors if a sale or expansion of the farm is being considered.

    Cattle brushes are therefore an investment that not only has a positive effect on animal welfare, but also on the financial health of your farm.

    If you have any questions about our cattle brushes, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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