Ideal fĂŒr:
Classic cubicle stirrup
For high milk yields, healthy hooves and longevity of cows, it is important that the animals like their cubicles and spend a long time lying down in the cubicles every day. Cows only like to go to their cubicles if they have experienced that they can easily get up again and lie down comfortably. It is important for labor management and hygiene that the animals lie upright and the stalls are kept clean. PATURA Thanks to their shape and arrangement, cubicle restraints make a decisive contribution to meeting the cows' requirements for comfort and the livestock owner's requirements for cleanliness.
- No posts in the rear lying area
- cubicle bars made from 60.3 (2") x 3.2 mm tube
- Easy to install, even in old buildings
- Stable base plate with 5-fold screw connection
- Easy installation of rubber mats
- Ergonomic one-piece bracket shape
- Optimum lying comfort for the animal
- easy attachment of a bow board holder
- maximum stability
- Optimum lying position
- Available in 4 lengths for large cattle
Complete accessories - see picture extract with spare part numbers from the Patura catalog